Calculating Range & Clearance
The Dynamic Range Budget
Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide D-3
Table D-1 Dynamic Range (FCC)
The diameter of the 15m (50 ft) and 22m (75 ft) cables is larger than the diameter of the 6m (20 ft) cable.
Therefore the cable loss of 50 ft cables is the same as for 20 ft cables, resulting in the same Dynamic Range
Budget value.
Link Speed Antenna Type Omni-Directional 7-dBi Directional 14-dBi
2 MBit/s
Cable Length 6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
22m (75 ft) 6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
22m (75 ft)
Omni-Directional 7-dBi
6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
110.2 dB 108.5 dB 117.2 dB 115.5 dB
22m (75 ft) 108.5 dB 106.8 dB 115.5 dB 113.8 dB
Directional 14-dBi
6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
117.2 dB 115.5 dB 124.2 dB 122.5 dB
22m (75 ft) 115.5 dB 113.8 dB 122.5 dB 120.8 dB
Link Speed Antenna Type Omni-Directional 7-dBi Directional 14-dBi
1 Mbit/s
Cable Length 6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
22m (75 ft) 6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
22m (75 ft)
Omni-Directional 7-dBi
6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
113.2 dB 111.5 dB 120.2 dB 118.5 dB
22m (75 ft) 111.5 dB 109.8 dB 118.5 dB 116.8 dB
Directional 14-dBi
6m (20 ft) /
15m (50 ft)
120.2 dB 118.5 dB 127.2 dB 125.5 dB
22m (75 ft) 118.5 dB 116.8 dB 125.5 dB 123.8 dB