Installation Guidelines
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide 2-13
Environments with large reflective surfaces include:
• Buildings with mirrored-glass or low emissivity (low-e) glass
• Crowded parking lots
• Water or moist earth and moist vegetation
• Above ground power/telephone lines
Seasonal factors that could have an effect on signal propagation
may occur in the following situations:
• If there are lots of trees in the signal path, marginal
communications during times of low foliage could fail at other
times when foliage is high.
• In subfreezing conditions, the communications link could fail if
an antenna is exposed to ice buildup or covered with snow.
In these cases, consult your antenna installation contractor, or take
other appropriate steps to maintain/optimize wireless performance.
Antenna Mast/Wall Bracket 2
Two examples of mounting an antenna include:
Tripod Mount
Wall (Side) Mount
Tripod Mount 2
The tripod mount is used primarily on peaked and flat roofs. The
antenna mast must be secured to the roof using 3 or 4 guy wires
that are equally spaced around the mast. When the height of the
antenna mast is more than 3 meters (10 ft), you are advised to use
at least three guy wires for each 3 meter (10 ft) section of the mast.