the governor link from the grommet on top
of the throttle shaft lever (B). Discard
Disassemble Carburetor
1. Remove the fixed main jet (bowl nut) and
fiber washer, then remove the fuel bowl
and the bowl gasket from the carburetor
body. Discard the fiber washer and the
2. Remove the float hinge pin (C, Figure 27),
float (A), and inlet needle (B). If the needle
has a metal tip, also remove the soft
needle seat in the carburetor body.
Discard the hinge pin, inlet needle, and
Figure 27
3. Remove idle speed screw with spring
(B, Figure 28), if equipped.
4. Rotate throttle shaft (C) to the closed
position. Remove throttle valve screws
(F), then remove the throttle valve.Slide
out the throttle shaft with the foam seal.
Discard the seal.
5. Grasp choke valve and remove from
choke shaft (A). Slide out choke shaft with
the foam seal. Discard the seal.
6. With a modified pin punch (E), remove
Welch plug(s) from carburetor body.
Figure 28
Inspect and Clean Carburetor Components
1. Inspect openings in the carburetor body
for evidence of wear or damage. If found,
replace the entire carburetor assembly.
2. Inspect the choke shaft, choke valve,
throttle shaft, and throttle valve for
evidence of wear or damage. Replace
parts as necessary.
3. Using Carb/Choke Cleaner #100041 or
#100042, thoroughly clean the following
components, then follow with compressed
air to dry:
• Passages in the fixed main jet (bowl nut)
• Inside and outside of the fuel bowl
• Float
• Choke shaft and choke valve
• Throttle shaft and throttle valve
• All passages, openings, and the inside
and outside of the carburetor body
NOTE: Do not soak non-metallic components,
such as floats, o-rings, seals, or diaphragms, in
carb/choke cleaner or they will be damaged.
4. If any passages remain plugged after
cleaning, replace the component or the
entire carburetor assembly.
Assemble Carburetor
Consult the Illustrated Parts List to obtain the
appropriate carburetor overhaul kit before
reassembling the carburetor.
1. Install new Welch plug (A, Figure 29) with
a pin punch (B) of slightly smaller
diameter than the plug. Press against the
plug until it is flat in the carburetor
opening. Do not cave in the plug. Seal the