Most complaints concerning engine operation
can be classified as one or a combination of the
• Will not start
• Hard starting
• Lack of power
• Runs rough
• Vibration
• Overheating
• High oil consumption
The source of most of these symptoms can be
determined by performing a systems check in the
following order:
1. Ignition
2. Carburetion
3. Compression
This check-up can usually be done in a matter of
minutes. It is the quickest and surest method of
determining the cause of failure.
NOTE: What appears to be an engine
malfunction may be a fault of the powered
equipment rather than the engine. If the
equipment is suspect, see Equipment Affecting
Engine Operation.
1) Check Ignition
Engine Stopped
With spark plug installed, attach Ignition Tester
#19368 to spark plug lead and ground the other
end of the tester (Figure 1). Pull the starter rope
or activate the electric starter (if equipped). If
spark jumps the tester gap, you may assume the
ignition system is functioning satisfactorily.
Figure 1
Engine Running
If engine runs but misses during operation, a
quick check to determine whether the ignition is
at fault can be made by installing Ignition Tester
#19368 between the spark plug lead and spark
plug (Figure 2). If spark is good but engine
misses, install a new spark plug.
Figure 2
If spark does not occur, look for:
• Improperly operating interlock system
• Shorted equipment or engine stop switch
• Incorrect armature air gap
• Armature failure