1. Lubricate all bearing surfaces with clean
engine oil.
2. Slide magneto-side counterweight
(A, Figure 28) on flywheel end of
3. Place crankshaft and counterweight in a
vise with soft jaws or shop rags to protect
magneto journal.
4. Slip link (C) over dowel pin (D) with
rounded edge (E) up. Fit dowel pin into
magneto counterweight.
5. Slide PTO counterweight (F) on dowel pin
and crankshaft eccentric (G).
6. Install and torque screw (H) to value listed
in Section 12 - Engine Specifications.
NOTE: Rotate counterweight assembly to check
for binding. If binding exists, loosen and re-
torque screw. Check again for binding.
Figure 28
1. If woodruff key was removed, install in
2. Slide timing gear onto crankshaft with
chamfer toward eccentric.
NOTE: If gear is tight, it can be expanded slightly
by heating on a lamp.
3. Place crankshaft and counterweight
assembly into cylinder and start magneto
journal into magneto bearing.
4. Align link (A, Figure 29) with crankcase
link pin (B) and push assembly into place.
5. Install connecting rod and piston. Torque
rod screws to values listed in Section 12 -
Engine Specifications.
Figure 29
NOTE: Install connecting rod and piston.
Lubrication hole in rod must face toward
magneto side. Torque rod screws to values listed
in Section 12 - Engine Specifications.
6. Using new gaskets, install sump, cylinder
head, flywheel, and blower housing.