Figure 26
Figure 27
Figure 28
NOTE: Do not torque each screw in one step as
it may result in a warped cylinder head. Step-
torque all screws to approximately 1/3 of final
torque value, then to 2/3 final torque value, then
finish at final torque values.
3. Install rocker arm studs. Torque to values
listed in Section 12 - Engine
4. Install push rods through guides and into
same positions as removed. Ensure rods
are seated in valve tappets. Place valve
stem caps (if used) on valve stems (Figure
Figure 29
5. Place rocker arms and rocker balls on
rocker arm studs. Install rocker arm
screws and/or lock nuts on studs and
tighten until there is zero clearance
between the valve stem caps and the
rocker arms.
6. Rotate crankshaft at least twice to ensure
proper movement of the push rods and
rocker arms.
7. Adjust valve clearance per Section 1, then
install a new rocker cover gasket and the
rocker cover. Torque screws to values
listed in Section 12 - Engine