Displaying information on the map
You can also have such additional information as car parks and petrol stations dis-
played in symbol form on the map.
1. Press
to open the selection menu.
2. Select “Map info”. Press
A selection list containing the information available will appear. ✔
3. Mark the information you want displayed on the map. Press
for each se-
A “checkmark” should appear in front of every type of information you want
displayed. ✔
4. Once you have selected all of the information you want displayed on the
map, press
“OK” on the right side of the menu is marked. ✔
5. Press
The map displaying the information selected will appear. ✔
Starting route guidance
Once you have determined the destination on the map, you can start route guidance
1. Press
to access the selection menu.
2. Select “Start”. Press
A menu containing the data on the current destination will appear. ✔
You will hear the following voice output: “The route is being calculated.”. You
can also alter the route options in this menu.
For more information, refer to the section on “Selecting route options” and
“Route guidance”.
Entering destinations