.Two Types of Phone Books
You can store up to 99 numbers into the Phone Book
giving you easy access to your most frequently dialed
phone numbers. There are two types of phone books :
Personal Phone Book Memory and Recent Call History
.Personal Phone Book Memory
The phone has 99 personal phone book memory locations
where you can store up to 32 digits with an associated
name of up to 12 characters.
3. Enter the Name (up to 12 T~ IiJ
Characters) corresponding to a Mike
phone number and then press 282-818-4777
[ok] If you don't want to enter (ok) [H-K)
a name, press [ok] to proceed
without entering characters.
Note: See Entering Characters
for more details.
4. The phone will ask you to T~I IiJ ~
assign memory location where Mike
the number will be saved. Press Location 77
auto. 83
[ok] to automatically store the (okl (neKt)
number in the first available
memory location. Or, you also
have the option to enter a
specific two digits of memory
location number.
5. The phone will ask whether you
~ -..I IiJ ~ want to keep this number secret Make Secret1
or not. Setting memory loca-
tions to .'Secret" hides the (okl [ne~fl
phone number, which can only
be deleted, not edited. Choose
"Yes" or "No" using [NEXT]
6. Press [ok] to save the number. (TI IiJ
The phone will flash :EMO:V
.89 used
Then the LCD will show the '- 98 empty)
number of memory locations
used, and empty.
* Saving Numbers to Your Personal Phone Book
Memory locations 1 through 9
should be used for one-touch
dialing of your most commonly
used phone numbers.
I. Enter the phone number that
IT alII [jJ
you want to save(up to 32
2. Press [SAVE]. and the cursor
"?" will appear in the upper left
side of the top line of the
display which indicates that the
phone is in the Alpha mode.
'- -
'f~ IiJ
282-818-4777 I
'- [okl [H -HI )