Demand Setup Submenu
(Block 4D)
This menu is where all the Demand input
signal related drive parameters are set. The eight
parameter entries are as follows:
1. DemRngLwr - The value of the Demand
signal (in mA) that corresponds to 0%.
Normally set to "4.00 mA", this value should
be set above the "DemLimLwr" value.
2. DemRngUpr - The value of the Demand
signal (in mA) that corresponds to 100%.
Normally set to "20.00 mA", this value should
be set below the "DemLimUpr" value.
3. Dem Curve - Allows a choice in the relationship
between the applied Demand signal and the
desired position of the output shaft. Choices
are: Linear, Square Root, Dem Curve Special,
& Square.
4. Dem Curve Spcl - When "Dem Curve" above
is set to "Special", this command allows
access to a submenu to setup the preferred
Demand curve.
5. Los Mode - Sets the output shaft response
to a loss of Demand signal condition. Can be
set to "Stay" or "Go-to-Pos".
6. Los Pos - If "Los Mode" has been set to "Go-
to-Pos", this parameter allows the user to
define the position (in percentage of travel) to
where the output shaft will move during Loss
of Signal conditions. May be set between
-5.00% and 105.00%.
7. DemLimLwr - Sets the minimum usable
value of Demand. Below this value, the
Loss of Signal condition will be set. Values
between 0 mA and 12 mA may be selected.
This value should be set lower than the low
Demand Range ("DemRngLwr").
8. DemLimUpr - Sets the maximum usable
value of Demand. This value should be
set higher than the upper Demand Range
Feedback Setup Submenu
(Block 4E)
This menu is where all the Feedback signal
related drive parameters are set. The four
parameter entries are as follows:
1. FBRngLwr - The value of the Feedback
signal (in mA) that corresponds to a 0%
output shaft position. This value can range
between 3.0 mA and 16.0 mA.
2. FBRngUpr - The value of the Feedback
signal (in mA) that corresponds to a 100%
output shaft position. This value can range
between 7.0 mA and 21.0 mA.
3. Feedback - Enables or Disables the Feedback
4. FB Curve - Allows a choice in the relationship
between the applied Feedback signal and
the actual position of the drive. Choices are:
Linear & Inverted Demand ("InvDem").
Torque Setup Submenu
(Block 4F)
This menu is where all the Torque related
drive parameters are set. The five parameter
entries are as follows:
1. Trq/Thrust - Enables or Disables torque
related functions.
2. Ovt Prot - Enables or Disables over-torque
protection, which will remove power from the
motor if excessive torque is detected.
3. AlarmLevel - Sets the value that, if exceeded,
will cause the Torque Alarm to activate.
4. ShutDwnTrq - Sets the value that, if exceeded,
will cause the power to be removed from the
motor (if "Ovt Prot" is enabled; see above).
This will cause a shutdown alarm.
5. Trq Null - Sets the torque value that
corresponds to 0% torque applied. This
number is represented in "TK" units, and is
noted on the label inside the DCM-2 cover
(also referred to as "Torque Zero").
6. Trq Const - Sets the torque value that
corresponds to 100% torque applied. This
number is represented in "TK" units, and is
noted on the label inside the DCM-2 cover.