
Using MediCal Pro 80
To run the due tasks, click on the Q/A Check... button in the main window.
A window appears, displaying the due tasks for today.
Click on Yes to run the tasks immediately.
All due tasks will be executed in the order they appear in MediCal Pro’s
Q/A Setup window.
Click on No to skip the execution of the tasks. The tasks’ result will be
indicated as Skipped but the tasks remain due. They will be run the next
time you perform a Q/A Check.
Running a single task
At any time, you can run any task, even if it is disabled or not due.
To run a single task:
1 In the main window, click on Q/A Setup...
2 In the Q/A setup window, right-click on the name of the task you wish
to run. A drop-down menu appears.