
Introduction 12
1.4 The main window at start-up
MediCal Pro always starts in Standard user mode.
In Standard user mode, the main window consists of the Q/A Check
section, allowing you to run and check Q/A tasks.
The Q/A Check section in the main window contains the following items:
Last Q/A check on: Here you find the date and time the last Q/A check
was run. If no Q/A check was run yet (e.g., after installation), this will
be listed as Unknown.
Result: Here you find the evaluated result of the last Q/A check.
Sometimes the Info symbol is visible next to the result. When
you move the mouse pointer over the symbol, a tooltip with more
information pops up.
The following results are possible:
Today’s Q/A tasks: The number of Q/A tasks that are due for today
and not have been executed yet.
Q/A Check... button: Click to execute the due Q/A tasks immediately.
OK: All Q/A tasks were OK, so the system is OK.
Not OK: At least one of the Q/A tasks failed. To see which task(s)
failed, click on the Q/A Setup... button.
Skipped: The user decided not to run the Q/A check.
Unknown: At least one of the Q/A tasks has not been run yet or the
configuration has changed since the last Q/A check.