32 Cyclades ACS 6000 Advanced Console Server Command Reference Guide
IPv4 addresses are always enabled. An administrator can also enable IPv6 addresses at the
appliance_settings/network/ipv6 level. A procedure to enable IPv6 is used as an example in CLI
Equivalent Actions to Web Manager Checkbox Selection on page 16.
The procedure to configure a static IP address for the primary Ethernet interface is usually
performed during installation so that administrators have a fixed IP address for access to the Web
Manager and can finish configuration.
To configure a IPv4 or IPv6 static IP address:
NOTE: This procedure configures either an IPv4 or IPv6 static IP address for the ETH0 (eth0) or the ETH1 (eth1)
port. You can configure an IPv6 static IP address only if IPv6 is enabled. See CLI Equivalent Actions to Web
Manager Checkbox Selection on page 16 for an example of how to enable IPv6.
1. Enter cd appliance_settings/network/devices/<eth0|eth1>/settings to navigate to the
Settings level for the desired interface.
--:- units cli-> cd appliance_settings/network/devices/eth0/settings
2. Enter set ipv<4|6>_method=static to set the method to static for IPv4 or IPv6.
**:- settings cli-> set ipv4_method=static
3. Enter set ipv<4|6>_method/static/ address=<IP_Address> mask=<netmask> to set the IP
address and subnet mask then enter
commit to save the change.
--:- settings cli-> set ipv4_method/static/ address=
**:- settings cli-> commit
4. Enter show to view the changes.
domain = corp.avocent.com (default)
hostname = ACS60xx-1357908642 (default)
ip =
hostname = localhost
alias = (null)
Table 3.2: Network Options (Continued)
Network Navigation Tree