Important Safety Information
Check the conditions of the Voya 320 before driving. Operating the Voya 320 while you drive is very
dangerous. If you need to operate the Voya 320, park your car in a safe location before operating the Voya
Search the path to your destination beforeyou drive. If you do not fully understand the instructions from the
Voya 320, or the instructions are questionable, referto themap on thescreen only whenyou are absolutely
surethat you are insafe conditions.
Information from the Voya 320 such as voice instruction or the maps may be different from the actual
road conditions. The traffic signals and regulations on the actual roads must be observed, and special
attentionshall be paidto traffic situations and pedestrians around you.
Donot usethe systemformeasuringdrivingspeed or distance. The systemisonlyfor navigation.
GPSsignalsmay vary in sensitivity dependent upon location of your car. You may sufferfrom weaksignals
inside a tunnel or under an overpass or by a tall building, and sensitivity of signals may be affected by
ov ercast skies orthickfog.
GPSsignalsmay notbecorrectly received if you are inside a building, if there is an object interrupting signal
reception in thevicinity of the antenna, or if asystem radiating radio interrupting signal is insideyourcar.
If you use the Voya 320 after a prolonged period of storage, itmay take extensivetimeforyouto beginto
receivesignals, even though the Voya 320 is operating normally.
Installthe system on an appropriate location insideyourcar. Do not install thesystem on a locationthat
may cause trouble in operation of the airbags, or obstructyourvision whileyou are driving.
When you install the system, remove any foreign materials from the suction mount and surface of the
window, and affix the system while paying special attention to prevent air from being introduced between
the suction mount and the window surface. Any damage of the product or other objects inside your car
caused by detachment of the system from the window because of poor suction is the user’s
Do not leave the system under direct light or in a location subject to heat fromthe engine of your car for an
extensive period. Heating the battery may cause an explosion. Do not leave the system unattended for a
prolonged period when thetemperature is very hot, as insummer.
Do not expose the system to moisture, heat, or rapidly changing temperatures. Condensation may take
place inside the system, and cause damage to the system. If the system is exposed to high humidity, dry
thesystem immediately, and usethe system only after you are surethatthe system is free frommoisture.
If you disassemble, reassemble ormodify the system without Averatec’s consent, it may cause abnormal
operation of the system. In such acase, you are solely responsiblefor the trouble.
The system contains lithium-ion batteries that may cause explosion or leakage of hazardous liquid. Never
give an impact to or destroy the system, and do not keep the system together with objects probable of
explosion of gas or liquid, orfire.
Do not use the A/C or D/C adaptor in a high humidity environment, and never touch the adapter with wet
hands. Youmay receive an electric shock. Do not wrap the adapter with sheets of paper, vinyl orcloth while
you use the system, and make sure of properventilationforcooling the adapter. Pleasemakesure that you
are using the correct power source as indicated on the housing orthe package.
Do not exercise excessiveforce with the system and do notclean the system when the power is on.Do not
use paper tissues - generating dust, or rigidmaterials - probable of scratching whentrying tocleanthe LCD.
Use a softcloth only.
When you are not using the SD/MMC card, protect the system from dust or moisture, and pay special
attention to keep the slots free from foreign materials. Alwaysmake sure that the slot is free from foreign
material before inserting the memory card into thesystem.