The localization options, under Settings, give you control
over settings affected by your location, including:
- Language
- Time zone
- Daylight savings time
- Units
Speed alert
You can use the speed alert feature to warn you if your vehicle is exceeding the speed limit. There
are two speed alert options: Auto speed alert and fixed speed alert. Auto speed alert uses the type
of road to determine the probably speed limit. Fixed speed alert lets you enter a speed and will
warn you if that speed is exceeded.
To set the speed alert:
1. Tap MENU. The main menu appears.
2. Tap Settings, Speed Alert. The Speed Alert screen
3. To set auto speed alert:
• Tap the Auto Speed Alert check box. A check
mark indicates that Auto Speed Alert is on.
• Tap OK. A warning appears.
• Tap OK to close the warning.
• Tap OK. You return to the map.
4. To set a fixed speed alert:
• Tap the Fixed Speed Alert checkbox. A check mark
indicates that Fixed Speed Alert is on.
• Tap the speed you want to use as a maximum
• Tap OK. You return to the map.