Broadcast Server User Guide
Appendix A Push XML API
Push XML Reference
The following sample XML for ManagePushMessage and its child
elements illustrates scheduling a normal alert to a distribution list named
“MainFloor”. The alert includes audio and two soft keys.
<PushMessage priority="1" message_id="3" action="schedule" reloaded="{true | false}“
<Recipient id="MainFloor" type="distribution"/>
<Subject>Server Maintenance this Week</Subject>
<Body>Servers will be taken off-line this week, as follows.
<Button index="1" type="url" caption="Server Usage">
<Button index="2" type="dial" caption="Help Desk">2323</Button2>
<Days sunday="0" monday="0" tuesday="1" wednesday="1" thursday="0" friday="1"
<BeginTime>07:00:00 AM</BeginTime>
<EndTime>09:30:00 AM</EndTime>
The following table describes the ManagePushMessage element and its
child elements.
Element Parent Element Attributes Enumeration Description
ManagePushMessage none none Parent element of one or more
PushMessage elements.