Broadcast Server User Guide
Chapter 8 Media Management
Quick FAQ
Media ownership
The Owner column (available to the system administrator only) contains
the name of the user who currently owns the media item. The
administrator can change ownership of audio items, assigning them to
another user, or sharing them among all other Broadcast Server users.
Sharing media items is a way to conserve disk space usage on Broadcast
Server and to standardize on a set of media across the organization.
Media linkage
Media items are linked to alerts instead of being embedded in them. This
means that you can create multiple alerts that link to a single image,
change that one image in the media library, and all the alerts are
automatically updated.
Changes to media items are immediately reflected throughout the system
in all alerts as soon as the media item is changed.
Quick FAQ
How do I … Description
Add a new media item Click the Add Media button at the top of the list. This will
open the Media Page.
Edit a media item Click the description in the record you want to modify.
This will open the Media Page.
Delete one or more media items Check the box next to each record you want to delete, or
check the box in the list’s title to select all records
displayed. Then, click the Delete Selected button. Note
that Broadcast Server will not allow you to delete system
image or audio items.
Prevent users from using a
media item
Edit the media record, uncheck the Active checkbox, and
save your changes.
Assign ownership of a media
item to another user
Click the notepad icon ( ) beside the name of the current
owner. Select the new owner from the list. Note that
Broadcast Server will not allow you to change the
ownership of system image or audio items.