AdHoc networking mode
2. AdHoc: Point-to-point networking mode
This camera connects to other wireless devices via a wireless network when it is in the
AdHoc point-to-point networking mode; i.e. the product connects to other devices equipped
with built-in wireless connection function without the need to access from any AP.
Note: Where no IP address is assigned from the DHCP server, the system will set the
Link-Local Address automatically. However, it is not routable IP address in most
Note: Wireless LAN is very popular today, please note that user use the network camera is
recommended to use
“1.5Mbps” or below bandwidth due to wireless connectivity’s are
subject to depend on the wireless signal strength from the location where network connect to
AP, building block signal, and all wireless traffic in single AP. All factors will significant impact
the quality for realtime streaming data such as video.
Unlike wired 100M/1000M Ethernet point to point throughput which give you a lot of
bandwidth room to use. Although WLAN technologies claims to have 54Mbps throughput, is
it a share bandwidth and condition usage network. Therefore, 1.5Mbps and 60% of signal
strength or higher are highly recommend. Above that bandwidth or low signal strength will
result packet loss, low frame rate, distort video image. Or you have to lower the frame rate,
video size or bandwidth.
Authentication Type:
Open System Authentication
Open system authentication simply consists of two communications. The first is an
authentication request by the client that contains the station ID (typically the MAC address).
This is followed by an authentication response from the AP/router containing a success or
failure message.
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