
Video Image: GOP (Group Of Pictures)
GOP provides users with the function to set the pages of the I Frame and P Frame to be
transmitted in the MPEG4 mode. Basically, the I Frame page contains the entire picture and
needs higher bandwidth, while the P Frame page only contains the parts that are different from
the I Frame and needs lower bandwidth. Hence, when you need to transmit the pages without
disruption in a normal network environment, you can set up a higher GOP. For example, if
GOP 25 is selected, 24 P Frame pages will follow 1 I Frame page, and so forth. However,
packets may be lost when they are transmitted in a congested network environment. In this
case, the following P Frame pages may bring about disruption of the transmission because
they lose the reference upon which the difference from the I Frame is identified. You may
change GOP to 10 with this concern to avoid disruption of the transmission. The GOP is 15 by
Video Image: OSD
You can set to display the date, camera name and other information on the screen.
Video Image: OSD: Display Mode
You can select to display the date (Date), time (Time) or text (Text).
Video Image: OSD: Display Text
You can key in the text to be displayed on the screen (Ex.: Lobby IP Cam)
Video Image: OSD: Display Color
256 colors and tones from 0 (deepest black) to 255 (lightest white) are available for display of
the text.
Video Image: OSD: Sensor (Brightness/contrast adjustment)
Video Image: OSD: Sensor : Brightness
Brightness: Adjustable between 0~100
Video Image: OSD: Sensor : Contrast
Contrast: Adjustable between 0~100
Or it could be adjusted at front panel.
©2007 Asante Networks Inc., All rights reserved. NetCam are registered trademarks of Asante Network, Inc.
All other names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without prior notice.