
8. Technical Data
Projector type............................ LOCPRO 35 St/ LOCPRO 35 TV
CE certificate ............................ Guideline 89/336 EEC of 3. May 1989
“Guideline of the Council of 3. May 1989 for bring-
ing into line the statutory regulations of the member
countries about electromagnetic side-effects.”
Guideline 73/23 EEC of 19.02.73
“Guideline of the Council of 19. Feb. 1973 for
bringing into line the statutory regulations of the
member countries with respect to electrical
operating material for use within particular
voltage limitations.
Film format ............................... 35 mm negative/positive perforation
according to DIN 15501/ISO 491-1983
Filmgate ................................... 18.6 x 24 mm, selectable via format masks
Lens .......................................... F2/50 mm
Film capacity ............................ 300 m / 1000 ft
With 50 and 75 mm film core
Film core .................................. 50/75 and 100 mm selectable
Projection lamp ......................... 400 W HTI-lamp Id.No. M5.81802.0
Weight ..................................... approx. 56 kg
Dimensions ............................... 740 mm (w)x700 mm (d)x510 mm(h)
Wall projection ......................... 2300 mm (w) at 12 ft distance to wall
(see separate data sheet)
Projection rates ......................... 50 Hz operation 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.12, 1.56 fps
60 Hz operation 60, 30,15, 7.5, 3.75, 1.87 fps
Cine mode 48, 24, 12, 6, 3, 1.5 fps
Telecine mode 24, 25, 30 fps
with timecode output
Pulldown mode 23.976 fps (mode 24/60)
with timecode output
Single frame: ............................ Forward/reverse
Image steadiness:...................... < 0,2%
HS shuttle/rewind: .................... 200 fps forward and reverse
Operation conditions: ............... 10° to 40°C, 10-90% air humidity
Power supply: ........................... 180 – 253 V / 50 Hz, 90 – 127 V / 60 Hz
Technical Data