
Remove lens. See Chapter 7.2 (# 4)
Check that the film gate frame and the surface of the
film track are clean.
Insert the format mask with the film gate frame facing
the film gate (frameless side facing upward) by sliding
the mask in from the right side into the spring-loaded
support of the film track until the mask engages with
the film gate.
Check the film gate mask for correct positioning.
Replace lens.
Replace optics cover.
Remove format mask:
Open film channel with ”Film” – key
Switch off main power supply.
Remove optics cover. See Chapter 7.2 (# 2)
Remove lens. See Chapter 7.2 (# 4)
Remove the mask from the film gate by gently pressing
back the mask and then sliding it back out to the right
Replace lens.
Replace optics cover.
Initial Operation