Calendar 171
AUG-2.3-103 Android User’s Guide
Working in Week view
Week view displays a chart of the events of one week. All-day and multiday events are
displayed at the top.
Switch to Week view
S Press Menu and touch Week.
Learn more about events in Week view
S Touch an event to view its details.
See “Viewing event details” on page 173.
S Touch & hold an event to open a menu with options for viewing, editing, or deleting
the event, and for creating a new event at that time.
Add an event in Week view
S Touch & hold an empty spot or an event in the week to open a menu with the
option for creating a new event at that time.
See “Creating an event” on page 174.
Drag left or right to view earlier or later
Touch an event to view its details.
Touch & hold a time slot or an event to
create a new event at that time.
An all-day event.