AUG-2.3-103 Android User’s Guide
Contacts gives you quick and easy access to the people you want to
reach. When you first turn on your phone and sign into your Google
Account, any existing Google contacts are downloaded to your phone.
After that, your contacts are synchronized: any changes you make to
your contacts on the phone or the web are made in both places the next
time you sync. Contacts from Exchange ActiveSync accounts are also
synced in this way.
Information about your contacts is shared with other applications, such
a Gmail, Google Talk, Messaging, Gallery (for sharing photos and
videos), and so on.
If you have more than one account with contact information, Contacts
joins duplicates into a single entry. You can also manage that process
In this section
“Opening your contacts” on page 110
“Adding contacts” on page 112
“Importing, exporting, and sharing contacts” on page 113
“Adding a contact to your favorites” on page 115
“Searching for a contact” on page 116
“Editing contact details” on page 117
“Communicating with your contacts” on page 120
“Changing which contacts are displayed” on page 122
“Joining contacts” on page 124
“Separating contact information” on page 126