
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 467
Syntax [no] as-matrix
Context config>cflowd>collector>aggregation
Description This command specifies that the aggregation data should be based on autonomous system (AS)
information. An AS matrix contains packet and byte counters for traffic from either source-
destination autonomous systems or last-peer to next-peer autonomous systems.
The no form of this command removes this type of aggregation from the collector configuration.
Default no as-matrix
Syntax [no] destination-prefix
Context config>cflowd>collector>aggregation
Description This command specifies that the aggregation data is based on destination prefix information.
The no form removes this type of aggregation from the collector configuration.
Default none
Syntax [no] protocol-port
Context config>cflowd>collector>aggregation
Description This command specifies that flows be aggregated based on the IP protocol, source port number, and
destination port number.
The no form of this command removes this type of aggregation from the collector configuration.
Default none
Syntax [no] raw
Context config>cflowd>collector>aggregation
Description This command configures raw (unaggregated) flow data to be sent in Version 5.
The no form of this command removes this type of aggregation from the collector configuration.
Default none