
Debug Commands
Page 166 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
x: [0 — FFFF]H
d: [0 — 255]D
ip-int-name — Only displays the interface information associated with the specified IP interface name.
Values 32 characters maximum
Syntax packet [ip-int-name | ip-address] [headers] [protocol-id]
no packet [ip-int-name | ip-address]
Context debug>router>ip
Description This command enables debugging for IP packets.
Parameters ip-int-name — Only displays the interface information associated with the specified IP interface name.
Values 32 characters maximum
ip-address — Only displays the interface information associated with the specified IP address.
headers — Only displays information associated with the packet header.
protocol-id — Specifies the decimal value representing the IP protocol to debug. Well known protocol
numbers include ICMP(1), TCP(6), UDP(17). The no form the command removes the protocol
from the criteria.
Values 0 — 255 (values can be expressed in decimal, hexidecimal, or binary)
keywords: none, crtp, crudp, egp, eigrp, encap, ether-ip, gre, icmp, idrp, igmp, igp,
ip, ipv6, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-no-nxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, isis, iso-ip, l2tp,
ospf-igp, pim, pnni, ptp, rdp, rsvp, stp, tcp, udp, vrrp
* — udp/tcp wildcard
Syntax route-table [ip-prefix/prefix-length]
route-table ip-prefix/prefix-length longer
no route-table
Context debug>router>ip
Description This command configures route table debugging.
Parameters ip-prefix — The IP prefix for prefix list entry in dotted decimal notation.
Values ipv4-prefix a.b.c.d (host bits must be 0)
ipv4-prefix-length 0 — 32
ipv6-prefix x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
x: [0 FFFF]H