Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
Output Setting and Operation Commands
CURRent:PROTection {<current>|MINimum|MAXimum}
This command sets the current level at which the overcurrent protection
(OCP) circuit will trip. If the peak output current exceeds the OCP level, then
the output current is programmed to zero. The Questionable Status register
‘‘OC’’ bit is set (see page 101). An overcurrent condition can be cleared with
command after the condition that caused the OCP trip
is removed.
CURRent:PROTection? {MINimum|MAXimum}
Th is que ry ret ur ns t he ov erc ur re nt p rot ec tio n tr ip le vel pre sen tl y p rog ra mm ed.
return the maximum and minimum
programmable overcurrent trip levels.
CURRent:PROTection:STATe {0|1|OFF|ON}
This command enables or disables the overcurrent protection function of the
power supply. An overcurrent condition can be cleared with the
command after the condition that caused the OCP trip is
removed. At
, this value is set to ‘‘ON’’.
This query returns the state of the overcurrent protection function. The
returned parameter is ‘‘0’’ (OFF) or ‘‘1’’ (ON).
This query returns a ‘‘1’’ if the overcurrent protection circuit is tripped and not
cleared or a ‘‘0’’ if not tripped.
This command causes the overcurrent protection circuit to be cleared. After
this command, the output current is restored to the state it was in before the
current protection tripped and the OCP trip level remains unchanged to the
value presently programmed. Before sending this command, lower the output
current below the trip OCP point, or raise the OCP trip level above the output