Chapter 6 Application Programs
C++ Example for GPIB(IEEE 488)
/* Open communication (session) with power supply */
viOpenDefaultRM (&defaultRM);
viOpen (defaultRM, Visa_address, 0,0, &power_supply);
/* Query the power supply id, read response and print */
viPrintf (power_supply, "*IDN?\n");
viScanf (power_supply, "%s", &reply_string);
printf ("Instrument identification string:\n %s\n\n", reply_string);
/* Initialize Power Supply */
viPrintf (power_supply, "*RST\n"); /* Set power on condition */
viPrintf (power_supply, "Current 2\n"); /* Set Current limit to 2A */
viPrintf (power_supply, "Output on\n"); /* Turn output on */
printf("Voltage Current\n\n"); /* Print heading */
/* Step from 0.6v to 0.8 volt in .02volt steps */
for(voltage =.6;voltage <<=.8001;voltage +=.02)
viPrintf (power_supply, "Volt %f\n",voltage); /*set voltage */
printf("%.3f",voltage); /* print power supply setting */
delay(500); /* allow output to settle for 500 msec */
viPrintf(power_supply,"Measure:Current?\n"); /*measure output current */
viScanf (power_supply, "%lf",¤t); /* retrieve reading */
printf(" %.3lf\n",current); /* print reading */
viPrintf (power_supply, "Output Off\n"); /* turn off output */
/* Close communication session */
viClose (power_supply);
viClose (defaultRM);
/* Pauses for a specified number of milliseconds. */
void delay( clock_t wait )
clock_t goal;
clock_t delay;
wait = wait/1000;
delay = (clock_t)wait * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
goal = delay + clock();
while( goal > clock() );
End of Program