Chapter 3 Calibration Procedures
Calibration Program
910 PRINT TABXY(10,9),"***************************************************"
920 PRINT TABXY(10,10)," Connect a CURRENT SHUNT to the Dmm for measuring"
930 PRINT TABXY(59,10)," current."
940 PRINT TABXY(10,11)," Using the annunciator, note the output selected."
950 PRINT TABXY(10,12)," Connect the selected output to the shunt. Observe"
960 PRINT TABXY(60,12)," Polarity"
970 PRINT TABXY(10,13),"**************************************************"
980 PRINT TABXY(10,15),"Press ’C’to continue, or ’E’ to Exit, then"
990 PRINT TABXY(10,16),"press ’Enter’"
1000 Ch$="C"
1010 INPUT Ch$
1020 IF Ch$="E" OR Ch$="e" THEN GOTO 1420
1030 OUTPUT @Psup;"OUTP ON" ! Turn on Power supply output.
1050 OUTPUT @Psup;"CAL:CURR:LEVel MIN" ! Set output to minimum cal value.
1060 WAIT 1 ! Allow output to settle.
1070 OUTPUT @Dmm;"MEAS:VOLT:DC? " ! Measure output with Dmm.
1080 ENTER @Dmm;Dmm_rdg ! Store in variable Dmm_rdg.
1090 Dmm_rdg=Dmm_rdg/Current_shunt ! Scale reading to amps.
1100 IF I=3 THEN DMM_rdg=-DMM_rdg ! For -25V, Current is positive
1110 PRINT Dmm_rdg
1120 OUTPUT @Psup;"CAL:CURR:DATA ";Dmm_rdg ! Send stored value to power
1130 ! supply
1140 OUTPUT @Psup;"CAL:CURR:LEVel MAX" ! Set output to maximum cal value.
1150 WAIT 1 ! Allow output to settle.
1160 OUTPUT @Dmm;"MEAS:VOLT:DC? " ! Measure output with Dmm.
1170 ENTER @Dmm;Dmm_rdg ! Store in variable Dmm_rdg.
1180 Dmm_rdg=Dmm_rdg/Current_shunt ! Scale reading to amps.
1190 IF I=3 THEN DMM_rdg=-DMM_rdg ! For -25V, Current is positive
1200 PRINT Dmm_rdg
1210 OUTPUT @Psup;"CAL:CURR:DATA ";Dmm_rdg ! Send stored value to power
1220 ! supply.
1230 OUTPUT @Psup;"OUTP OFF" ! Turn off Power supply output.
1240 OUTPUT @Psup;"SYST:ERR?"
1250 ENTER @Psup;Error$
1260 !
1270 ! Check to see if there is an error. If there is an error,
1280 ! display the error and exit the program.
1290 !
1300 IF Error$="+0, No error""" THEN
1310 PRINT "Current calibration completed for Power Supply ";I
1320 ELSE
1330 PRINT "ERROR:";Error$;" Power Supply ";I;" Current not Calibrated"
1340 GOTO 1420
1350 END IF
1360 NEXT I
1390 ! Create a time stamp and output to power supply
1400 Cal_msg$_"Last Calibrated "$DATE$(TIMEDATE)&" "&TIME$(TIMEDATE)
1410 OUTPUT @Psup;"CAL:STR """;Cal_msg$;""""
1420 OUTPUT @Psup;"CAL:SEC:STAT ON, ";Sec_code$
1430 END