Display Annunciators
Adrs Power supply is addressed to listen or talk over a remote interface.
Rmt Power supply is in remote interface mode.
+6V Displays the output voltage and current for +6V supply. Knob is active for
+6V supply.
+25V Displays the output voltage and current for +25V supply. Knob is active for
+25V supply.
-25V Displays the output voltage and current for -25V supply. Knob is active for
-25V supply.
CAL power supply is in calibration mode.
Track The outputs of +25V and -25V supplies are in track mode.
Limit The display shows the voltage and current limit value of a selected supply.
ERROR Hardware or remote interface command errors are detected and also the
error bit has not been.
OFF The three ouputs of the power supply are disabled.
Unreg The displayed output is unregulated (output is neither CV nor CC).
CV The displayed output is in constant-voltage mode.
CC The displayed output is in constant-current mode.
To review the display annunciators, hold down key as you
turn on the power supply.
Display Limit