
80 Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference
Chapter 3
Parameters The arb name may contain up to 8 characters. The first character must be a
letter (A-Z), but the remaining characters can be numbers (0-9) or the
underscore character (“ _ ”). Blank spaces are not allowed. If you specify a
name with more than 8 characters, a +783, “Arb waveform name too long”
error is generated.
The function generator does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case
letters for the arbitrary waveform name. Therefore, ARB_1 and arb_1 are the
same name. All characters are converted to upper case.
Comments If you query a waveform that is not currently stored in memory, a +785,
“Specified arb waveform does not exist” error is generated.
DATA:ATTRibute:POINts? [<arb name>] queries the number of points in the
specified arbitrary waveform. Returns a value between 8 and 16,000 points. The
default arb name is the arbitrary waveform currently active (selected with
FUNC:USER command).
Parameters The arb name may contain up to 8 characters. The first character must be a
letter (A-Z), but the remaining characters can be numbers (0-9) or the
underscore character (“ _ ”). Blank spaces are not allowed. If you specify a
name with more than 8 characters, a +783, “Arb waveform name too long”
error is generated.
The function generator does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case
letters for the arbitrary waveform name. Therefore, ARB_1 and arb_1 are the
same name. All characters are converted to upper case.
Comments If you query a waveform that is not currently stored in memory, a +785,
“Specified arb waveform does not exist” error is generated.
DATA:ATTRibute:PTPeak? [<arb name>] queries the peak-to-peak value of all
data points for the specified arbitrary waveform. The default arb name is the
arbitrary waveform currently active (selected with FUNC:USER command).
Parameters The arb name may contain up to 8 characters. The first character must be a
letter (A-Z), but the remaining characters can be numbers (0-9) or the
underscore character (“ _ ”). Blank spaces are not allowed. If you specify a
name with more than 8 characters, a +783, “Arb waveform name too long”
error is generated.
The function generator does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case
letters for the arbitrary waveform name. Therefore, ARB_1 and arb_1 are the
same name. All characters are converted to upper case.