Error Recovery Procedures A-7
21 Dec 2001
26 ENOTFOUND Problem with parameters in the command. Check
the command and confirm the parameters with
the AMS configuration.
27 ECANCELLED A command was canceled with the aci_cancel
command or on the AMS.
28 EDASINT An internal DAS error has occurred. Restart DAS.
Save the Log and inform ADIC support about the
error situation.
29 EACIINT An internal ACI error has occurred. Restart DAS.
Save the Log and inform ADIC support about the
error situation.
30 EMOREDATA Return code from aci_qvolsrange command, if
the number of volsers in the range exceed the
number of displayed volsers. Try the
aci_qvolsrange again with the last volser in the
first range in the parameter of the first volser.
31 ENOMATCH Parameters in the command are not correct
confirm, that the parameter type (Mediatype) is
correct for the command. Confirm the AMS
configuration with the parameter in the
32 EOTHERPOOL Return code to aci_scratch_set, if the volser is
already defined in a pool with another name. Use
the command aci_scratch_unset for the other pool
and issue the aci_scratch_set command again.
33 ECLEANING The command can not be executed, because the
drive or the volser is being used for the drive
cleaning. Wait until the cleaning process is
complete, and try the command again.
34 ETIMEOUT The maximum wait time for the command has
been exceed. Check the life of the DAS software
with aci_qversion and the life of the robot wit
aci_robstat. Check the communication with ping
command. If you have very high load in the
system, you have to change the time-out
parameters in the configuration (Refer to the
Environment Variables in the DAS Administration
Table A-1 Error Code Reactions
Number d_error Name Recommended Reactions to the Error Code