Error Recovery Procedures A-5
21 Dec 2001
14 EBADHOST DAS was unable to resolve the IP-name to an
address, or the address is invalid. Check the
TCP/IP command. Set the IP-configuration and
change configuration data in AMU or the
15 ENOAREA The named insert or eject area was not found in
the configuration. Try the command with another
area name, or change the AMS configuration.
16 ENOTAUTH Access privilege limitations for the requesting
client are defined in the config file parameters.
Change the configuration. This can be
temporarily done by aci_register. For a longer
term change, use another client or change the
config file.
18 EUPELSE DAS has found that the drive is reserved by
another client.
• Check which client has reserved the drive and
the status of the drive (occupied or empty) with
• Set the drive for the other client down with
aci_driveaccess (if occupied use FDOWN).
• If the drive is occupied, send an unload
command to the drive and to DAS with
• Set the drive for the Client UP with
19 EBADCLIENT The Client only BASIC rights. Change the
Clientname on the ACI to a Client with Complete
rights or change the Configuration file.
20 EBADDYN not used
21 ENOREQ The aci_cancel command was used with a invalid
sequence number.
• check the command queue for the correct
sequence number with aci_list
• try the aci_cancel command with the correct
sequence number
Table A-1 Error Code Reactions
Number d_error Name Recommended Reactions to the Error Code