
Command Reference
2-26 Command Reference 601356 Rev A
Step 1. Errors with verbose option not specified. Requests
VolServ to check MED001, MED002, and
MED093 into the stage1 library and to return
status on media only if processing for that media
Step 2. Output returned:
Media checked out of one library can be checked in to another
library, as long as the receiving library is configured to support
the media’s MediaClass group and the receiving library is not at
capacity for the media’s media type.
Media checked out from more than one library can be checked
in as a single group into a single new library (assuming
necessary library media class associations exist).
Media that are checked out from more than one library and are
checked in as a single group without a target library specified on
vschechin command are returned to their respective
check-out libraries.
Failure of the
vscheckin request for one or more media in a
list does not fail the request for all media in the list.
vscheckin command triggers unsolicited status messages
from VolServ to the client software.
vscheckin MED001 MED002 MED093 -a
Check in 1 of 3 media was successful
Error VOL024: error in the list
Media [MED001] archive not associated with
media class
Media [MED093] item not found