Command Reference
2-116 Command Reference 601356 Rev A
-w Indicates VolServ waits until the command
processing completes before returning status
to the client.
If the move requires an inter-library move,
VolServ waits until the move completes,
whether the source and destination libraries
are attended or unattended. When the
•If -w option is not specified, final status is
returned as soon as move processing
-v Indicates that verbose output is needed.
Status is returned on every media specified in
vscheckout command.
-v is not specified, status is returned
on only those media that were not
successfully checked out.
-I Command options are first read from the
command line. VolServ then reads any
options contained in the stdin file.
-h Requests help for the entered command.
When the Help option is specified, no
command line processing is performed.
An exit code of 0 is returned to the client when
the Help option is specified.
-H hostname Host name of the VolServ server.
The default host name is the host name of the
computer where the CLI command is run.
-P priority
Default value is
The execution priority of the entered
command. Assignable priority values are
restricted to a range from 1 (highest) to 32
(lowest) inclusive.
Parameter Description