700-701-100-02 System Configuration
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 39
Configure LTU and NTU Interfaces
Select and configure the LTU- and NTU-related operating parameters as follows:
1 Type one of the following at the Config drop-down menu to display the Config LTU or NTU Interface menu:
• for the Config LTU Interface menu (Figure 22).
• for the Config NTU Interface menu (Figure 23).
Figure 22. Config LTU Interface Menu
Figure 23. Config NTU Interface Menu
The Data Rate/# of TSs and Beginning TS parameters in the Config LTU and NTU Interface
are read-only displays. The Data Rate/# of TSs value is set in the Config System
Settings menu as the “HDSL Payload Rate” (See Figure 21 on page 37). The Beginning TS
value is 0 with 32 time slots selected (unstructured mode) and 1 when less than 32 time slots
are selected (structured mode).