System Configuration 700-701-100-02
30 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
The menu and status bars appear on all console screens. The information on the rest of the screen varies depending
on the function of the menu or screen.
The menu bar displays the name of each menu. Choosing Monitor, History, or Config from the menu bar drops
down a menu of available options. When selected, all options on the Monitor drop-down menu, and the Alarm
option on the Config drop-down menu, display drop-down submenus.
The status bar at the bottom of the screen displays the circuit ID, the current date and time, unit type, and current
system information. Select Config from the console screen menu bar to enter or change the circuit ID and the
current date and time. The items described in Table 15 correspond to the numbers in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Items in Console Screen Status Bar
Table 15. Console Screen Status Bar Displays
Item Field Description
1 Circuit ID Shows the user-selected name for the circuit (such as customer name).
2 Date and time Today's date in dd/mm/yy format. Today's time in 24-hour format.
3 Local unit role Either LTU or NTU.
4 System information Displays the current system status. The system information field shows one of
the following:
• Loop down - At least one configured HDSL channel is down, either due to
restart, or startup not completing.
• Alarm - A major alarm condition is currently active in the system. In the case
of a loopback bringing the loop down, LOSW alarms will be ignored.
• Loopback - The system is in a diagnostic loopback configuration.
• Update - Circuit-wide provisioning is in progress.
• Normal - All configured HDSL channels are up in the circuit, no alarms are
present, and provisioning is complete.