1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operations and Maintenance
Page 2-312
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 1 of 4
Summary: This procedure defines the steps required to find and change the IP address stored on
the Network Management Interface Card (NMIC). To help in the navigation of the unix shell,
here are some general commands that the user may need.
Some vi commands:
• :help – use arrows to navigate
• :q – quit
• :sh – Opens shell in vi 9
• Up arrow – scrolls through recalled commands
• Delete key – exits without saving to start over, NEVER use backspace!!!
1. The first NMIC should be resting (not plugged into the backplane) in slot 2 and 3. Connect
the RS232 DB9 serial port cable from the PC into the craft port on the NMIC in slot 2.
2. Start up the terminal emulation software. Insert the NMIC into the back plane (slot 2 NMIC
only). The NMIC will start the boot process and will echo line after line of data to the
terminal window.
Note: The terminal emulator (ProComm Plus or HyperTerminal) needs to be set up
using 9600bps, 8bits, 1stop bit and no parity.
3. The NMIC boot process quickly flashes by. And finishes at the Login: prompt. Log into the
NMIC. From the factory the user id is root with NO password set. If the NMIC has been set
up previously and you do not know the name and password, see your system administrator.
4. After logging into the NMIC either a bash# prompt will appear or you will be asked to
configure the IP network. If left at the bash# then GOTO STEP 5. If asked to configure the
IP network answer NO and continue with step 5.
The commands listed in Table-774-1 can be entered at the NMIC PROMPT> to shut it down and
must be all lower case. Refer to the commands listed in the description column for the one
applicable to your NMIC state.
5. Type command 4 from Table 774-1 at the bash# prompt before the NMIC has completed
the PSM process (green active and status LEDs, approximately 3 minutes).