1152700• Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-1
© 2000 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Content Page
1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2. USING A TOP DOCUMENT................................................................................................................................ 2-1
ALPHABETICAL TASK INDEX LIST ......................................................................................................................... 2-3
INSTALLATION TASK INDEX LIST.....................................................................................................................IXL-001
This section provides operation and maintenance procedures for the Cellworx Service Transport Node
(STN) for the system administrator/operator.
Operation and maintenance includes but is not limited to the following tasks:
• Performing end to end signal tests to verify system operation.
• Adding modules to an in-service chassis.
• Configuring the modules for operation (S/W configuration and download).
• Configuring the VP/VC traffic connections for operation.
• Troubleshooting alarm conditions.
• Using the GUI interface to check network and node statuses.
• Performing card/traffic level switching for maintenance, troubleshooting, or testing
The procedures in this section are written in the Task Oriented Process (TOP) format. The TOP method of
presenting information provides step by step instructions for the successful completion of the indicated
task. To find the instructions for performing enclosure installation, module installation and initial turn up,
and installation troubleshooting tasks, refer to Figure 2-1 for the flow chart of a TOPS document or
proceed as follows:
1. Find the task to be performed in the Indexed Task List (IXL-001), or the Alphabetical
Task Index List.
2. Locate the specified director level, detail level, or trouble clearing procedure. All
procedures are in numerical order, regardless of type. The TOP procedures in this
manual are of the following four types:
a) Non-Trouble Clearing Procedure (NTP) − A director level procedure that lists
normal work items to be performed that are not trouble clearing procedures.
b) Trouble Analysis Procedure (TAP) − A director level procedure that provides step
by step instructions to locate and fix problems.
c) Detailed Level Procedure (DLP) − Detailed step by step instructions or procedures.