My Bridge - Wind
My Bridge - Wind
Charting History
Using the Web site
Each Sensor-based weather widget has a “Chart” button
which allows you to chart the historical data of that
widget. You can chart multiple widgets history together for
Only similar types of sensors are allowed to be charted
together. For example, wind readings can be charted
together, but not wind and temperature readings.
Each Sensor-based weather widget has an “ALARM”
button which allows you to set custom alarms. Alerts are
sent to a specified e-mail address or a text message is
sent* to a specified phone number.
AcuRite 5n1-Wind
The drop down menu allows you to
choose a charting period of either
Today, This Week, or This Month.
You may need to wait a moment
for the chart to draw after
changing the charting period, as
the historical data needs to be
Click the “HIDE” button to
hide the chart temporarily.
Press “SHOW” to slide the
chart out again.
* Standard text messaging and data rates apply, check with your phone service provider for pricing.
Click the drop down menu to
choose a value you wish to be
alerted to, in this case 1mph
wind speed. Then click the
alarm “ON” to activate.
If you wish to also
receive alerts via e-mail
message, enter the e-mail
address you want alerts
to be sent to.
Click the “ALARM” button
to set alarm preferences
Click the “CHART”
button to view chart
555 555 5555
If you wish to receive
your alarm notification
via text message, enter
in the phone number you
want alerts to be sent to
and select the phone
numbersʼ service
provider from the “CELL
CARRIER” menu.
Click to save