My Bridge - Wind
Wind - Backyard 5N1
Click on the GREEN
arrow source icon to
show the widget on
the dashboard
Click on the RED
arrow icon to hide
the weather widget
Showing & Hiding Widgets
Using the Web site
When you “show” widgets on the dashboard, they automatically tile in the
order that you expand them. You cannot ”drag and drop” widgets or move
them around in your web browser. So make sure and expand your most
used widget first so that it will be near the top of the dashboard.
Acu-Link Tip
You may customize which weather widgets you want
displayed on your dashboard by showing or hiding them.
Sensor Settings
For each sensor based widget there is a “SETTINGS”
button that allows you to rename the sensor, choose units
(ºF or ºC, etc), and set sharing preferences if you wish to
share your sensor data online with friends and family.
Sensor Name
You may customize each sensor by entering a custom
name. For example- if you decide to add an additional
sensor to your bridge to monitor your basement
temperature and humidity, you may want to name that
sensor “basement”.
Sharing Sensor Data Online
You may wish to share your sensor data online with
friends and family. The sharing preference in the sensor
settings panel determine whether or not a particular
sensor will be visible to people following your bridge.
This will be covered in greater detail in the “Sharing”
section of this manual.
Click to save settings