Adjustments 3M-Matic 800rf Case Sealer
3-18 Copyright 1999, 3M IPC. All rights reserved.
3-22. Upper Head Assembly Down/Up Rates
This is not a routine adjustment. Normally, it is
necessary only after major disassembly or repair of
related components.
Adjust the Upper Head DOWN/UP speed flow
controls to allow the Upper Head Assembly to
descend and raise smoothly and without banging,
causing undue wear to the Upper Head Assembly and
its cylinders.
Figure 3-22. Upper Head Assembly DOWN/UP Rate Adjustment
1. Pass some average size boxes through the case
2. Observe the speed at which the Upper Head
Assembly descends (DOWN) and raises (UP).
3. Adjust the Upper Head Assembly speed control
valves, as shown in Figure 3-22 (CW decreases
speed, CCW increases speed). These controls
are located on the top of the Pneumatic Control
Panel, extreme left.
ü Note
If there is any confusion as to where to set the speed
control valves, turn the valves fully CW and then
turn the DOWN control 11 full turns CCW and turn
the UP control 15 full turns CCW. Refer to Table 3-
1, Pneumatic Device Factory Set Points and Adjust-
ment Locations (Pneumatic Control Panel Mounted
Speed Controls).