3M-Matic 800rf Case Sealer Troubleshooting
Copyright 1999, 3M IPC. All rights reserved. 6-5
Problem Cause Correction
Tape edge folds over, providing an Tape drum is not aligned. Adjust Tape Web Alignment
unsatisfactory seal. (refer to Section 3).
Tape roll is telescoped. Replace tape roll.
Tape drum bracket is bent. Straighten/replace tape drum
(More likely the lower head when bracket.
the tape drum bracket is attached
to that tape head.)
Leading edge of case is crushed or Applying mechanism spring Reduce pressure by removing
leading edge of closed flaps is tension is too high. spring end loop from the spring
folded over. holder and placing it in other holes
provided farther from the hook end
of the spring holder.
Tape releases from case while in Tape or case being used is incorrect. Contact your 3M-Matic servicing
storage. distributor, 3M sales
representative, or 3M-Matic
Helpline (Customer Support
Center) 1-800-328-1390.
Generally, if case exits the machine
with tape correctly applied, the
machine is not at fault.