Vcu I’ find Vour nearest ‘iCH-CARE
service compar~~y I ste.: I:I i/our loca
telephone boon v’t’llo?~ Pages under
Should you not find
a listing, dial free, the Whirlpool
COOL-LINE service assistance tele-
phone number.
When calling from:
Michigan (800) 632-2243
Alaska &
Hawaii (800) 253-1121
All other
states (800) 253-l 30’1
If you move...T:\ 73Lc= s~i~2 ‘WI+ yDdr
appliance IS correctI) ifs‘c led a,-,3 tc~
Insure Its continued satisfactory
operotlop, please telephone your
nearest TECH-CARE ser\ Ice compopy
for ~r.stallatlon or to get the rame of a
qualified Installer (lnstallatior cost ~vill
of course, be pad ~$4 vou 1
Helpful hints..:x
II -- t‘ , : ,r
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‘-nTt cer” :‘- ,“( ‘*-~‘L-~“*~’ ,,> 2 _c
‘cc*e’ipr.,<-‘ 1 ) 1, ’
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g[ [ ,,:>‘,;P~- ,*.-e, ‘4 ; ,.~;+’ J ier, ;(-
“1 ret,‘t3 r :2L,r ‘(I es -4[ J’-,,g *‘J”gr’,
L .
‘3r fL !^(,’ nC”C],“L “^’ ,-
TECH-CADE service
-?oresentatlve IS speclcl!y trcl~~ed in the
Jxpert repciring ant servicing of your
~~~tilRLP@OL appliances He can help
n the quality originally bciilt
~:a your WHIRLPOOL oppllance So w~?y
’ cl toKe *he time now, to look up his
rnumber and jot ii dower or the
5: ;cci prov ded 01 the cover
3. If you have a problem :
CalI WhIrlpool Corporation In Benton
#arbor at the COOL-LINE service
assistance telephone number [see Step
21 3r swrtte
Clr Guy TJrner Vice President
Wh rlpool Corporation
AdminIstrative Center
2000 U S 33 North
Benton Harbor, Mlcblgan 49022
if vou must call or write, please
provide your nome, address,
telephone number, type of oppllance,
brand model, serial number, daie of
pdrchose, the dealer’s name, and a
complete description of the problem
This information IS needed In order to
betier respona to your request for
Quality. Our way of life.
Benlon Harbor. hlrchlgan. Automalrc Washers. Clothes Dryers.
Freezers. Relrrgeralor-Freezers, Ice Makers. Dishwashers,
Built-In Ovens and Surface Units. Ranges. Microwave Ovens,
Compactors. Room Air Conditioners. Dehumrdrllers, Central
Healrng and Arr Condrlionrng Syslems.
Part No 380480 Re;! 6
PrInted In U S 0,