For a Pre Wash
Use this setting ror a shorter SOAK
CYCLE (no rinse) Use enough detergent
for a single wash Ada the load
Set the
Set water temperature (The washer
vii111 fill wrth tush wcie’)
Push the Cycle Control Knob in and
turn It to the 12-mrnute mark in the SOAK
Pull the Control Knob out tc start the
washer See SOAK CYCLE description on
page 10 It WIII start after the first “SOAK
8 minutes’
After filling, the washer may pause
before starting to agitate.
If you want high agitatron and
sprn, use the dot in REGULAR HEAVY If
you want low agitation and spin, use the
dot In KNITS GENTLE Use the dot in PER-
MANENT PRESS if you want high
agitatron and a low-speed spin
For Spinning Only
There may be times when you
want to drain out all the wash water and
start over To stop the washer at any
time, lust push in on the Cycle Control
For Rinsing Only
Loads with towels diapers, leans
or heavily sorled items often need extra
detergent Extra detergent can require
an extra rinse
‘Your washer can be set to rinse
only Use the setting for on extra rrnse, or
for laundry that only needs a rinse and
To set the washer so it drams and
spins water out of the load, push In on
the Control Knob, turn the dral to the
right (clockwrse) so the pointer IS touch-
ng the bar just before OFF In any cycle
The washer will drain, spin out
water and stop If you want a low-speed
sprn, use the bar on PERMANENT PRESS
or KNITS GENTLE All the other cycle
settings have a hrgh-speed spin
There IS a dot just after the num-
HEAVY and KNITS GENTLE If you push In
on the Cycle Control Knob turn the
pointer to one of those dots and pull the
Control Knob out, the washer will ftl!,
@ate drain ana spin