for Pluggable Motor Replacement - _ 7q'1ul
I Motor Assembly 3 • _ _"_" _ _/'
2 Vg'FemaleTem!lnals(Insulated) 3 3 q E q _
I Sheet, I_slr_oUon _ _€_ -1 8
Electrical Shock Hazard
OLsoonneat power before
Failure to do so eould result In
I I ii1
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NOTETOTHEINSTALLER: Thlsm tarkitlsenButho zedFSP_rvicereplscemerltparlloryourapplloation.
The motor m this kit may or mw not be Identical to your old motor. If your culTent motor has the pluggable.
motor marltch, replaoe the serv|c.e..,motor in the same manner as you removed your dele_llve motor. If
your defeolive mof_r has the switch where the w[m lead from the main harness eannects to the motor
s_tch Indivklually, carefully follow Instructions below-- ......
Potent|al Rre Hazard and/or
Nulsanoe "l'dpptng of Motor Protector
DO NOT under any oiroumstance attempt
to remove or replace the motor 8witoh
from this p|uggable service motor. The
swituh is a non..serviceable.bomponent.
Failure to do so oould result in fire, serious
injury or death.
1. Remove defective motor using standard motor
removal proaedures
2. Compare and no_ethe difference between the motor
switch of fire delective motor and the switch of the
new replaoement motor, ffthe switchesare the same,
simply -instal! the motor In reverse order you've
-removed the defectivemotor. See Figure 1.
NOTE: Overload proteotor Is part of the switch
on the replaoBrnent motor and separate on the
deleotive motor.
Corpo_to. 1111H
InstrucSonSheet279788 Rev.A 6/94