Special Model Features
Water level
lint filter
(AL3132W-not shown)
Cycle control knob
Model and serial
number plate
(under lid)
The drawings in this book may vary
slightly from your washer model. They
Sort the load
are designed to show the different
Sort items by lint-givers (chenille, bath
features of all the models covered by this
towels) and lint-takers (corduroy,
book. Your model may not include all the
permanent press and synthetics).
features shown.
Sort by fabric and construction (cottons,
knits and delicate items).
Sort by color (white, colorfast and non-
Sort by amount of soil (heavy, normal
and light).
Load the washer
Drop items into washer loosely and
For best cleaning and wrinkle-free
results, items should move freely in
wash water. Permanent press and
synthetic knits should have more room
to move in the water than towels, jeans,
etc. (For specific loading recom-
mendations see page 6.)
Laundry Tip
DO NOT overload washer.
Overloading or packing can cause
poor cleaning, increased wrinkling,
excessive lint and can wear out
items faster.
Use highest water level for the best
permanent press results.
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