tying Tips
Generally fabrics that can be
washed in the Kenmore Electronic
Laundry Center can be dried in the
Kenmore Electronic Laundry
Washables not recommended for
dryer: loosely woven or hand-
knitted woolens and some rayons
and silks. (Check care label,, Also
see warnings below.)
Be sure plastic buttons and buckles
are heat-prooL
When using delicate and permanent
press fabrics, check for dryness
after minimum time suggested.
If various types of fabrics are mixed
in drying load, set controls for
lighter weight fabrics and remove
when dry° Reset temperature for
remaining fabrics,
An average size washer toad is
usually a dryer load. Items that are
washed together can generally be
dried together. Consult care label
before drying,,
Remove all items
from garments and fabrics to be
dried, such as facial tissues,
matches, crayons, nails, safety pins
or any metallic or hard objects
which might damage clothes or ap-
o Close zippers, empty pockets,
fasten hooks and eyes to prevent
* Put socks and other small items in
mesh bag for easier removal.
o Items to be ironed should be
removed while slightly damp.
,, Put damp dry items together in
one load.
o If drying sheer items, start with a
cold drum.
o if drying only a few items, add a
bath towel or two to maintain
proper tumbling action.
o If desired, add a dryer fabric
softener sheet.
, Remove and fold or hang clothes
quickly to prevent wrinkling°
Do not overload dryer
Clothes must have room to tumble
and billow.
Avoid over.drying
= Clothes (except permanent press)
should be removed while they feel
slightly damp. If they are
absolutely dry to touch, they are
too dry; over-drying increases
wrinkling and shrinkage, and
wastes heat°
° To test for dryness, take garment
out of dryer and feel it in room
temperature air, Clothes will feel
damper in warm, moist air of
dryer drum than they will in room
o When using TIMED cycle, set
minimum time shown on Control
Settings Chart (page 8)4
AIR ONLY is excellent for
fluffing and dusting
Use AIR ONLY to air bedding, dust
draperies and slipcovers, fluff
decorative pillows, and freshen
clothes that have been stored in
mothballs or in a "stale" closet.
Also use for safe drying of plastic
and extra-sensitive sheer fabrics.
, Place items in dryer°
o Touch AIR ONLY and time
° Touch START.
Use the dryer as a valet
The Kenmore Electronic Laundry
Center is wonderful for steaming
out wrinkles and refreshing cor-
duroy, woolens, and velveteen
skirts, jackets, slacks or blouses_
Follow these directions:
_, Place garments in dryer with one
or two slightly dampened bath
• Touch TOUCH UP and time
desired (Models 91901 and
o Select 30 minutes of TIMED
DRY Perm't Press cycle and let
clothes tumble. Steam from
towels will "press" clothes.
o After 15-20 minutes (before dryer
stops tumbling), remove garments
and hang on a hanger.