mm IBBImm
j. The exhaust system should be periodically exam- d. After using these removers, thoroughly rinse the
ined for damage to the exhaust duct and for free clothes by hand before they are placed in the
operation of the exhaust deflector. Keep the area washer. Some of the components and the finish of
around the exhaust opening and surrounding these removers - for example: rust remover - will
areas free from the accumulation of lint, dust and damage the components and the finish of the
dirt. washer.
k. For Gas Dryers: Gas dryers are equipped to oper- 15. Improper laundering of flame retardant finishes
ate on natural gas only. To convert a gas dryer for could remove them. Therefore, follow garment man-
operation with other gases, the services of a qual- ufacturer's instructions carefully.
ifled Jenn- Air Service Contractor must be
6. Do not reach into the appliance if the tub, agitator or SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
dryer drum is moving.
7. Do not tamper with controls. Appliances with the @ symbol on the data plate have
been listed with Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Those
8. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or
attempt any servicing to prevent personal injury and with a CSA Monogram on the data plate have been certi-
fied by the CSA Testing Laboratories as complying with
damage to the appliance. Canadian Standards Association requirements. Gas dry-
9. Keep pets away from dryer, and keep dryer door ers with an AGA symbol on the data plate have been
closed at all times except while loading or unloading, design certified with the American Gas Association; those
Pets may enter the dryer unnoticed when the door is with a CGA symbol on the data plate have been
open and become entrapped when the door is closed, approved by the Canadian Gas Association.
10. The agitator should not be removed. If the agitator is Nevertheless, as with any equipment using electricity
removed, it must be pushed down completely and and having moving parts, there are potential hazards. To
the locking screw tightened before the washer is use this appliance safely, the operator should become
operated, familiar With the instructions for operation of the appli-
ance and always exercise care when using it.
11. Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate
static (unless recommended for use in clothes dryers
by the manufacturer of the fabric softener or product).
12. Do not wash fiberglass articles unless label states Important Safety Notice & Warning
they are machine washable. Most fiberglass articles The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic
shed small particles of glass that will not readily rinse
out of the washer. These particles may get on cloth- Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the
ing in later loads and cause skin irritation and dis- Governor of California to publish a list of substances
known to the State of California to cause cancer or repro-
comfort. Be sure to rinse the washer thoroughly ductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers
before using it again, of potential exposures to such substances.
13. Do not dry fiberglass articles unless recommended
Users of this appliance are hereby warned that the burn-
by the manufacturer.
ing of gas can result in low-level exposure to some of the
14. Observe these precautions when using cleaning flu- listed substances, including benzene, formaldehyde and
ids, spot or stain removers, etc_: soot, due primarily to the incomplete combustion of nat-
a. Use only according to the manufacturer's direc- ural gas or liquid petroleum (LP) fuels. Exhaust ducts
tions as stated on the label or carton, should be kept free of obstructions and properly exhaust-
b. Use outdoors or in a well ventilated area. ed dryers will minimize exposure.
c. Use only products labeled "NON-FLAMMA-