Hitachi AJ-S55GZ Washer User Manual

HEAVY Process
Put the laundry in and press the "POWER
SWITCH" button .
Press the PROGRAM button and select
the HEAVY process.
With each pressing on the "PROGRAM" button, the indica-
tor will light or flash in sequence.
Press "START" button .
Put in the detergent according to the amount and
close the lid.
(The sound of buzzer indicates washing completion)
The pulsator to detect the amount of laundry and display
on the control panel.
After the detergent amount and the water level are
displayed, the washing machine will pause about 1 minute
for putting in the detergent.
(Press the "WATER LEVEL" button, and the washing
machine starts operation)
After the lid is closed, the washing machine will detect at
the low water level and the required water level in order to
dissolve the detergent and know about the quality of
laundry, then it will decide the necessary mode of washing.
Use of detergent Powder synthetic detergent
Liquid detergent
How to put detergent in 20~21