Installing Quick Sink Adapter:
When installing the quick sink faucet adapter to the faucet, follow the steps below:
1. First, remove the aerator from your faucet nozzle and determine the size/type of
the faucet.
2. Once you determine the size/type of the faucet (Outside Threaded End or Inside
Threaded End), place the proper sized rubber washer into the silver faucet
3. Attach the silver faucet connector to the faucet.
4. Attach the faucet connector to the water inlet hose and make sure that the
rubber washer is placed in between.
5. Attach the other end of the water inlet hose to the washer water inlet and make
sure that the rubber washer is placed in between.
Faucet Adapter
Quick Connector
Water inlet hose
Drain hose
Rear View of Washer
HLP21E MANUAL 6/20/03 10:03 AM Page 18