Consumer SupportTroubleshooting TipsOperating InstructionsSafety Instructions
OPERATION Possible Causes What To Do
Washer won’t operate :DVKHULVXQSOXJJHG Make sure cord is plugged securely into a working outlet.
:DWHUVXSSO\LVWXUQHGRII Turn both hot and cold faucets fully on.
/LGLVRSHQ³VDIHW\IHDWXUH Close lid and reset cycle, to the beginning if necessary.
&LUFXLWEUHDNHUIXVHLV Check house circuit breakers/fuses. Replace fuses or
WULSSHGEORZQ reset breaker. Washer should have separate outlet.
/LGPDJQHWPLVVLQJ Call for service.
Movement inside machine 6KLIWLQJPHFKDQLVPLV When the machine is manually turned off, the shifter will
when shut off GLVHQJDJLQJWKHPRWRU disengage the motor before completely shutting down.
If lid is raised before the motor is disengaged, the process will
stop and will resume when lid is closed.
PERFORMANCE Possible Causes What To Do
Clothes too wet ,QFRUUHFWVSLQF\FOH Make sure the spin cycle selected matches the load you are
VHOHFWHG washing. Some fabrics will feel wetter when rinsed with cold water.
Colored spots ,QFRUUHFWXVHRIIDEULF Check fabric softener package for instructions and follow
VRIWHQHU directions for using dispenser.
Make sure you have selected the Fabric Softener option.
Pretreat stain and rewash.
'\HWUDQVIHU Sort whites or lightly colored items from dark colors.
Grayed or yellowed 1RWHQRXJKGHWHUJHQW Use more detergent (especially with larger loads).
clothes Be sure to follow detergent manufacturer’s directions.
+DUGZDWHU Use a water conditioner like Calgon brand or install
a water softener.
:DWHULVQRWKRWHQRXJK Make sure water heater is delivering water at
120°F–140°F (48°C–60°C).
:DVKHULVRYHUORDGHG Select load size to match clothes load.
'HWHUJHQWLVQRW Add detergent before you load items.
'\HWUDQVIHU Sort clothes by color. If fabric label states wash separately,
unstable dyes may be indicated.
Lint or residue on &ORWKHVDUHDLURUOLQHGULHG If you do not dry your clothes with a clothes dryer, your
clothes clothes may retain more lint.
,QFRUUHFWVRUWLQJ Separate lint producers from lint collectors.
:DVKLQJWRRORQJ Wash small loads for a shorter time than larger loads.
'HWHUJHQWQRWGLVVROYLQJ Add detergent before you load items.
Try a liquid detergent.
Use warmer water temperature.
2YHUORDGLQJ Load clothes loosely in the washer basket. Adjust load size
based on items size and materials.
Make sure load size selected matches clothes load size.
,QFRUUHFWXVHRIIDEULF Check fabric softener package for instructions
VRIWHQHU and follow directions for using dispenser.
Make sure you have selected the Fabric Softener option.